How To Choose the Right Panel For You
Solar technology is constantly improving, which is why it’s important to familiarize yourself with the types of panels currently available before committing to installing a solar PV system.
As of now, the two most common types of solar panels are monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Both options convert sunlight into energy for you to eventually use in your home and are actively being used in the industry today. We want to break down some of the key differences between the two to better understand which works best for Canadians looking to go solar.
How Do Solar Panels Produce Energy?
To understand the difference between these two types of panels, it’s first necessary to understand how panels produce energy.
Panels generate energy through sunlight photon particles interacting with PV cells. Once the light reaches the cells, electrons will react and create electric currents. This current is what helps power your home and gives you the electricity to use throughout the day.
How Do Polycrystalline Panels Work
Now let’s break down how polycrystalline panels work. Each cell is made up of multiple fragments of silicon melted into cubes which are then cut into wafers. Because of this, the cells are much stiffer, leaving little room for the electrons inside to move.
How Do Monocrystalline Panels Work
Monocrystalline panels on the other hand are made from single-crystal silicon. Single-crystals allow electrons to move more freely to allow for better electricity flow.
Monocrystaline vs Polycrystalline Performance
Now, what exactly makes your panels work efficiently? When electrons are activated by sunlight, it causes a voltage difference. A greater difference means more energy production.
Polycrystalline panels have been around for a long time and can get the job done but at a less efficient rate. The average efficiency rating for Polycrystalline panels is between 13% to 16%
Monocrystalline is a great premium option that offers much better efficiency, especially in Canadian weather. The average efficiency for monocrystalline panels is around 20%, with newer models approaching 23%. This means they also work much better in low-light conditions such as overcast weather.
Monocrystaline vs Polycrystalline Cost
As stated previously, the silicon structure is different and the process of making these panels come with varying degrees of complexities.
The process of manufacturing monocrystalline panels takes more precision and effort. That’s why monocrystalline panels generally come with a higher price tag to match. However, since it also comes with better efficiency, you might still be getting a better return depending on your consumption and available roof space.
The main advantage polycrystalline has to offer is its more affordable price compared with monocrystalline panels.
Monocrystaline vs Polycrystalline Aesthetics
Although this all comes down to personal taste and preference, the toned down black design of monocrystalline panels can provide a sleeker look compared to the brighter blue hues of polycrystalline.
Monocrystalline or Polycrystalline?
To summarize, let’s go through the main differences between the two types of panels.
Now that we understand how these panels generate power and the pros and cons of each, it’s easier to come to a formal decision on what works best, especially for Canadians.
When choosing which panel type we wanted to include in our system, we decided to go with efficiency. For Canadians, monocrystalline’s better performance in low-light conditions makes it the clear winner in our eyes, especially when paired with our quality microinverters. Even on foggy, rainy and snowy days, the solar panels will still produce electricity.
Although monocrystalline may be more expensive, there are great rebates and financing options that can help reduce the overall cost of a system. At Polaron, we offer a 0% financing program for our customers ranging between 12-16 years depending on the province.
Monocrystalline vs Polycrystalline Solar Panels: What’s The Difference?
Monocrystalline Vs. Polycrystalline Solar Panels: What’s Best?