Lauri in Bridgewater just requested a free solar estimate.
2 mins agoThe Canada Greener Home Grant makes going solar in BC more affordable than ever. The grant offers eligible homeowners up to $1,000 per kW of solar installed on their home (to a maximum of $5000). It also provides up to $600 for the cost of pre-and post-install EnerGuide evaluations, bringing the total savings to $5,600. Take action now! The grant is being offered nationwide to a maximum of 700,000 homes; with the boom in solar popularity across the country and the potential to use the funding for other retrofit projects, you don’t want to miss out on the potential savings.
Going solar is the best way to hedge your rising electricity cost.
BC residents pay 12.7 cents per KWH. A price increase has already been approved for 2021 and 2022 by BC’s Utilities Commission, and that cost will rise (at minimum) 1.16% annually.
The provincial rates have risen roughly 28% over the past six years. The average BC family is using on average 11,000 kWh per year. That is approximate spending of $1,397 a year before GST.
With the ever plummeting prices of solar, limited incentives and maximum solar install bandwidth within specific geographical locations, now is the best time to take advantage of the potential in BC.